This layer file symbolizes the Seattle City Light pole location and indicates the presence of streetlights. The data is to be used for planning purposes only.
Classifies data by Green, Yellow, and Red dot. Green is a new report. A "Trouble Ticket" has been issued to Green Team repair crew. Our goal is to respond to all new Trouble Tickets within 10 business days (14 calendar days). Yellow is a trouble ticket that has been escalated to the Yellow Team because the light at this location requires additional material and/or crew resources in order to be repaired. The goal is to acquire the additional resources and complete repairs within 45 calendar days of the escalation date. Red indicates a replacement of major street light components is required before the light will function properly. The Red Team will produce a Capitol Improvement Project (CIP) work order, acquire necessary permits, schedule crews and then complete the work within 120 calendar days of the escalation date.