This dataset includes the actions the City of Seattle has been taking towards racial equity. We publish it for accountability and transparency. See who to contact, what we'll deliver, and how we plan on meeting our desired outcomes.
A discrimination complaint is filed when a formal charge is received at the Seattle Office for Civil Rights. This dataset shows the number of complaints filed by year, month, and type.
Discrimination Case Closures by Month and Type A closed discrimination case is an investigation that has been completed at the Seattle Office for Civil Rights (SOCR). This dataset shows closed cases by month and case type.
The Enforcement Division of the Seattle Office for Civil Rights provides training and participates in outreach events. This dataset shows the number of events each month.
King County, Washington census tracts with nonoverlapping vintages of the 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) estimates starting in 2010 from the U.S. Census Bureau's demographic and housing estimates (DP05). Also includes the most recent release annually with the vintage identified in the "ACS Vintage" field.
The census tract boundaries match the vintage of the ACS data (currently 2010 and 2020) so please note the geographic changes between the decades.
Tracts have been coded as being within the City of Seattle as well as assigned to neighborhood groups called "Community Reporting Areas". These areas were created after the 2000 census to provide geographically consistent neighborhoods through time for reporting U.S. Census Bureau data. This is not an attempt to identify neighborhood boundaries as defined by neighborhoods themselves.
Table from the American Community Survey (ACS) B01001A-I sex by age by race - data is grouped into three age group categories for each race, under 18, 18-64 and 65 and older. These are multiple, nonoverlapping vintages of the 5-year ACS estimates of population and housing attributes starting in 2010 shown by the corresponding census tract vintage. Also includes the most recent release annually.
Data on total number of people by each race alone and in combination by each census tract has been transposed to support dashboard visualizations.
King County, Washington census tracts with nonoverlapping vintages of the 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) estimates starting in 2010. Vintage identified in the "ACS Vintage" field.
The census tract boundaries match the vintage of the ACS data (currently 2010 and 2020) so please note the geographic changes between the decades.
Tracts have been coded as being within the City of Seattle as well as assigned to neighborhood groups called "Community Reporting Areas". These areas were created after the 2000 census to provide geographically consistent neighborhoods through time for reporting U.S. Census Bureau data. This is not an attempt to identify neighborhood boundaries as defined by neighborhoods themselves.
Abstract: Census tract-based race and ethnicity data aggregated to City of Seattle Community Reporting Areas (CRAs) from the 1990 and 2010 Brown University Longitudinal Database (LTDB), 2010 decennial census and the 2014-2018 5-year American Community Survey (ACS). Brown University researchers created the LTDB to allow for comparing census data over time (see The race and ethnicity categories in the 2010 LTDB have been modified from those in the 2010 census to more closely match the 1990 race categories. (Before 2000, census questionnaires allowed respondents to identify as one race only. The LTDB allocates mixed-race people in post-1990 census estimates to non-white categories.) Please remember that the ACS data carry margins of error, and for small racial/ethnic groups they can be significant. The numeric and percentage changes overtime are also included. There is also a polygon representation for the City of Seattle as a whole.
Purpose: Census data of racial and ethnic categories from 1990 and 2010 Brown University LTDB, 2010 decennial and 2018 American Community Survey (ACS). Data is for the City of Seattle Community Reporting Areas as well as a polygon representation for the City of Seattle as a whole. Numeric and percentage changes over time are also included.
Table from the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year series on race and ethnicity related topics for City of Seattle Council Districts, Comprehensive Plan Growth Areas and Community Reporting Areas. Table includes B03002 Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race, B02008-B02013 Race Alone or in Combination with One or More. Data is pulled from block group tables for the most recent ACS vintage and summarized to the neighborhoods based on block group assignment.
Table from the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year series on race and ethnicity related topics for City of Seattle Council Districts, Comprehensive Plan Growth Areas and Community Reporting Areas. Table includes B03002 Hispanic or Latino Origin by Race, B02008-B02013 Race Alone or in Combination with One or More Other. Data is pulled from block group tables for the most recent ACS vintage and summarized to the neighborhoods based on block group assignment.