This compressed file geodatabase contains the following layers:
Legal Subdivisions - Line
Legal Subdivisions - Polygon
Legal Annotation
Cadastral Control Points
Contains legal data from CADASTRAL.LEGAL_FDS, LEGAL, CADASTRAL.LEGAL_RW_ADJSTMNT and CADASTRAL.LEGAL_PLAT. Data is symbolized on the value from L_FEA_SYM. Scale range set to not display at a scale greater than 1:9600. Labels are based on the attribute L_FEA_SYM and do not display when zoomed out beyond 1:2400.
Displays data from CTYPROP.RPAMIS_PMA_JOIN. Symbolized on the attribute JURIS_DEPT.
Updated weekly.
LABELJURIS_DEPTSeattle CenterCEN, SEADept. of NeighborhoodsDONParks and RecreationSPRFacilities and Administrative ServicesDAS, FFD, FASOffice of Housing, Human Services Dept.HSD, OHCity LightSCLDept. of TransportationSDOT, TRNSSeattle Public Library