Surface drainage points are structures that help direct rainwater in the City’s sub-surface pipe drainage system. The informal drainage system makes up nearly one-third of the City of Seattle footprint. This layer displays connected surface drainage points, regardless of ownership, that cannot be found in other layers. For example, Catch Basins, Junction Boxes, Sandboxes, and Inlets are not included. The data source is DWW.surface_drainline_pt_pv with the following data query: SDP_LIFECYCLE_TEXT IN ( 'Connected' , 'Unknown' , 'Temporary' ,'To Be Connected', 'Under Construction', 'Provisionally Connected', 'Proposed', 'Abandoned', 'Abandoned Temporary', 'Removed') AND SDP_FEA_TYPE_TEXT IN ( 'Area Drain;Area Way;Driveway Drain' ,'Cleanout', 'Flow Control MH' , 'Infall' , 'Maintenance Hole' , 'Overflow MH' , 'Other' , 'Rubber Coupler' , 'Reducer' , 'Surface Cleanout' , 'Sedimentation Chamber;Sand Catcher;Sand Trap' , 'Stand Pipe' , 'Weephole', 'Catch Basin MH', 'Vault', 'Underground Injection Cell; Drilled Drain')This layer does not display when zoomed out beyond 1:2,000. Labels are based on the attribute SDP_ASSET_ID and only display when zoomed in to 1:1,000 or closer. Only SPU owned assets will have a label.
Refreshed weekly.