This compressed file geodatabase contains the following layers:
Legal Subdivisions - Line
Legal Subdivisions - Polygon
Legal Annotation
Cadastral Control Points
Displays data from CADASTRAL.LEGAL_ROW_PLGN_PV. The layer will not display when zoomed out beyond 1:50,000. Attribute is associated with geodatabase domain SUBDIVISION_FEASYM_CODE. Only hierarchy of assignment is alleys (9) over other rowadj types (2, 3, 4, 8).
L_FEA_SYM is a numeric code that identifies polygon features by type:
Street vacations allow
property owners to petition the Seattle City Council to acquire public
right-of-way next to their property from the City. Street vacations “vacate”
the public’s right to use a street and return it to private property. Street
vacations are only applicable when there is an adjacent development project
planned. The Street Vacation Policies state a preference for retaining
right-of-way in neighborhood residential zones. In addition to the basic street purpose of access and utilities, streets
in residential areas provide for things like open space, consistency in the
development pattern, natural drainage, wildlife corridors and other
things.For more information, please visit this City website.
The data source is from official City surveys, calculations and other publicly recorded documents. Displays data from CADASTRAL.CONTROL_LN_PV. Data does not display when zoomed out beyond 1:38,000.