2016 10-foot contour data derived from 3ft pixel bare earth rasters for the Seattle Area that were acquired and processed 02/24/2016 -03/28/2016 by Quantum Spatial (QSI).
Displays data from IMAGE.Contour_2016, SP_2016_Contour_2 with the following definition query: Type = 2. This layerfile displays between the scales 20,000 - 5,501. Labels are based on the attribute Contour and do not display when zoomed out beyond 1:8,000.
Because of the size of this dataset, we do not recommend trying to download it. Please use as a service. If you need a particular area extracted, please use this form to make a request:
A line feature class showing 2 ft. and 10 ft. elevation contours. Derived from 1993 digital orthophotos - has not been updated.
Because of the size of this dataset, we do not recommend trying to download it. Please use as a service. If you need a particular area extracted, please use this form to make a request: