Displays citywide address points using TRANSPO.MAFDAP_PV. Differs from TRANSPO.DAP in that it contains address data. Attributes include house number and modifier, directional, street name, and street type. Does not display when zoomed out beyond 1:10,000. Labels are based on the attribute MAF_HSENUMMOD and do not display when zoomed out beyond 1:3,000.
MAILUSECODE: Identifies suitability of MAF address and associated MAFUNIT record(s) for use as a mailing address. This field serves as an indicator whether the address is being utilized in the City's Utility Billing System. If so, it is more likely (but still not guaranteed) to be a valid mailing address.
DCLUSTAT - Description of address establishment and validation status related to DCLU business process.
Valid values:
- INITIAL VALUE: SPU-added records are assigned this value upon creation.
- DRAFT: only DPD-added records are assigned this value upon creation.
- FIELD VERIFIED: only DPD can assign this value. Indicates that DPD at some point conducted a site visit. This value is not reliably assigned and is not necessarily an indicator of a correct address.
- CANCELED: only DPD can assign this value. The address was never utilized.
- RETIRED: DPD or SPU can assign this value. The address may have been utilized for some period of time but was then replaced by a different address for the location or retired from use completely.
DCLUSTATDT - Date of creation or modification of record.
SOURCENAME - Descriptive character string identifying agency, department or divisional record source or usage.
Valid values:
- DPD_MAF: Added or modified by DPD
- CGDB_MAFEDITS: Added or modified by SPU
- INIT_MAF: The initial record value, likely harvested from King County Assessor data when the MAF/DAP was first implemented.
Data refreshed daily.