Data from: American Community Survey, 5-year Series 2006-2010
Community Reporting Area boundaries with American Community Survey data and attachments of census reports. Community Reporting Areas (CRAs) were established in 2004 as a standard, consistent, citywide geography for reporting purposes. There are 53 CRAs composed of from one to six census tracts.
Neighborhood aggregations of American Community Survey tract-based data derived from the U.S. Census Bureau's demographic profiles (DP02-DP05). The geo service includes over 50 attributes of the most frequently requested data.
Also includes custom reports in pdf format as attachments to each neighborhood.
When downloading the data, please select "GDB Download" under "Additional Resources" to preserve long field names and attachments. The associated file geodatabase contains a separate feature class for three levels of neighborhood geography - council districts, community reporting areas, and urban village demographic areas that includes these 50+ attributes.